Alceda STARfree - Agrar Sachwertanleihe

Key information

ISIN LU0528405110
Currency EUR
Emission Date 13.08.2010
Latest Price EUR 68.83 / 30 Sep 2023
Minimum Subscription Amount EUR 50,000.00
Subscription Fee none
Redemption Fee none
Management Fee up to 2.10% p.a.
Distribution Fee (up front) none
Nominal Value EUR 100.00
Issuer Alceda Star S.A. / Compartment 23
Paying and Calculation Agent, Custodian Bank European Depositary Bank SA
Subscription Period 28 Jul 2010 - 13 Aug 2010
Maturity 30 Jun 2025
Pricing quarterly
Clearing Clearstream Banking Luxemburg S.A.
Valuation yearly on the 31.12., additionally quarterly on Soft-NAV basis on 31.3.,30.6.,30.9.